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GUO GUO LIANG EMAIL TUP (square)_edited.jpg

Dr. GOH Guo Liang

Research Fellow

Nanyang Technological University


Guo Liang’s interest is in additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, for printed electronics, focusing on studying the printing process, the formation of thin-film, assembly of nanomaterials and characterization of electronics devices etc. He is actively involved in inter-disciplinary research and innovations.

He completed his Ph.D. research in Mechanical Engineering, in 2020 from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research focuses on Aligning Carbon nanotubes via Aerosol Jet Printing for Flexible Electronics. His research involves the fabrication of devices such as strain sensor, pH sensor, antenna, and circuits etc.

In 2015, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering (Honours), also from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, specializing in Aircraft Reliability & Maintainability and Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). 

Directed and On-Demand Alignment of Carbon Nanotube for 3D Printing of Electronics


Carbon  nanotubes (CNTs) are one-dimensional  nanostructured  materials with  unique  mechanical, optical, and electrical  properties  which  can  be  potentially exploited  for  fabricating  wide  variety  of devices. In addition, the biocompatibility of CNTs makes it attractive for wearable and implantable technology applications.  Well-aligned CNTs structures  show  enhanced  properties  such  as  superior electron  mobility,  strain  sensitivity, better mechanical  property  and enhanced performance and reproducibility  that  are  absent  in  their  disordered  counterparts, thus allowing  more  promising applications  in  various  fields.  With  aligned CNTs,  devices  can  be  optimized  to  exhibit  better performance with lesser materials and more miniature designs. 


Sessile droplets containing carbon nanotubes: a study of evaporation dynamics and CNT alignment for printed electronics


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are 1-dimensional (1D) and flexible nanomaterials with high electric conductivity and a high aspect ratio. These features make CNTs highly suitable materials for the fabrication of flexible electronics. CNTs can also be made into dispersions which can be used as the feedstock material for droplet-based 3D printing technologies, e.g., inkjet printing and aerosol jet printing to fabricate printed electronics. These printing techniques involve several physical processes including deposition of ink droplets on flexible polymeric substrates such as polyimides, evaporation of the solvent and formation of thin films of CNTs, all of which have not been thoroughly investigated. Besides, alignment of the CNTs in the resultant thin films dictates their electrical performance. In this work, we examine the effect of substrate temperature and CNT concentration on the evaporation dynamics and also the alignment in the deposition patterns. Evaporation-driven self-assembly of CNTs and their preferential alignment are observed. Image analysis and Raman spectroscopy are utilised to evaluate the degree of alignment of the CNT network. It is found that the contact line dynamics depends greatly on the CNT concentration. Besides, the substrate temperature plays a significant role in determining the order of the CNTs in the drying deposition pattern. Our findings show the possibility of controlling the film morphology and the degree of alignment of CNTs for printed electronics in the printing process.

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