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H-index: 55

Citation: >10,300

Number of papers: 186

Number of highly cited paper in Web of Science : 18

Number of books: 6

Number of book chapter: 8

  1. Chee Kai Chua, Wai Yee Yeong. (2015) Bioprinting: Principles and Applications. World Scientific.

  2. Chee Kai Chua, Chee How Wong, Wai Yee Yeong. (2017) Standards, Quality Control, and Measurement Sciences in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. Elsevier.

  3. Swee Leong Sing. (2018). Selective Laser Melting of Novel Titanium-Tantalum Alloy as Orthopaedic Biomaterial. Springer.

  4. Yeong Wai Yee, Additive Manufacturing Tech Primer for College of Engineering, NTU.

  5. Chee Kai Chua, Wai Yee Yeong, Hong Yee Low, Tuan Tran, Hong Wei Tan, 3d Printing And Additive Manufacturing Of Electronics: Principles And Applications. World Scientific.

  6. MAE 40th Anniversary Commemorative Book  Editor: Wai Yee Yeong

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Book Chapters
  1. Chen, J. T., Lee, J. M., Lim, E. X. H., Koh, Y., Yeong, W. Y., & Teo, A. K. K. (2024). Polymers for implantable bioartificial pancreas. In Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Implants (pp. 337-375). Woodhead Publishing.

  2. Juin Ting Chen, Jia Min Lee, Euodia Xi Hui Lim, Yexin Koh, Wai Yee Yeong, and Adrian Kee Keong Teo, (2023). Polymers for implantable bioartificial pancreas. (p337-365)

  3. Sing, S. L., Goh, G. D., Goh, G. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Standards for metal additive manufacturing: Quality and quality control procedures. In Quality Analysis of Additively Manufactured Metals (pp. 3-24). Elsevier. 

  4. Ng, W. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Potential applications of 3D and 4D printing of biopolymers. In Additive Manufacturing of Biopolymers (pp. 331-369). Elsevier.

  5. Jia Min Lee, Swee Leong Sing, Guo Dong Goh, Guo Liang Goh, Wei Long Ng, Wai Yee Yeong (2022), The emerging frontiers in materials for functional three-dimensional printing, Elsevier. Pages 299-343.

  6. S.L. Sing, W.Y. Yeong (2020), Powder Bed Fusion in ASM handbook, Volume 24: Additive manufacturing Processes, Edited By David L. Bourell, William Frazier, Howard Kuhn, Mohsen Seifi, ASM International, p 152–163,

  7. Vishwesh Dikshit, Guo Dong Goh, Arun Prasanth Nagalingam, Guo Liang Goh, Wai YeeYeong (2020), Recent progress in 3D printing of fiber-reinforced composite and nanocomposites in Fiber-Reinforced Nanocomposites: Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier. Pages 371-394.

  8. S. Agarwala, G. L. Goh, G. D. Goh, V. Dikshit, W. Y. Yeong (2020), 3D and 4D Printing of Polymer Nanocomposite Materials - Processes, Applications, and Challenges, Elsevier. Pages 297-324.

  9. W. L. Ng, J. M. Lee, M. M. Zhou and W. Y. Yeong (2020), Hydrogels for 3D bioprinting-based tissue engineering in Rapid Prototyping of Biomaterials (2nd Edition), Techniques in Additive Manufacturing . Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials ,  Pages 183-204.

  10. E. Y. S.Tan , S. L. Sing and W. Y. Yeong, Scaffolds for retinal repairs in Handbook of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Volume Two, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials,  2019, Pages 673-691.

  11. S. L. Sing & W. Y. Yeong (2019), Powder Bed Fusion in ASM Handbook Volume 24A: Additive Manufacturing Processes, ASM International (Submitted, under review)

  12. S. L. Sing, C. F. Tey, H. K. J. Tan, S. Huang & W. Y. Yeong (2019), 3D Printing of Metals in Rapid Prototyping of Biomaterials (2nd Edition), Techniques in Additive Manufacturing . Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials ,  Pages 17-40.

  13. J. M. Lee, Y. S. E. Tan, Z. Zhu,W. Y. Yeong (2015), 3D Bioprinting and Nanotechnology in 3D Bioprinting and Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Academic Press. Pages129-148.

Journal Publications

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2025

  1. Sinha, A.K., Goh, G.L., Jaw, W.Q., Chen, G., Pothunuri, L., Yeong, W.Y. and Cai, Y. (2025), Skin-Inspired, High-Resolution, Intelligent Aerosol Jet 3D-Printed Palmtop with Multisensory Integration. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2401988.

  2.  Lee, Jia Min, Wai Cheung Ma, and Wai Yee Yeong. "Dual-hydrogel thermoresponsive system with bioinspired pore control for drug delivery." Next Materials 6 (2025): 100281.

  3.  Su, Jinlong, et al. "Achieving sustainability by additive manufacturing: a state-of-the-art review and perspectives." Virtual and Physical Prototyping 19.1 (2024): e2438899.

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2024

  1. Suntornnond, Ratima, et al. "A facile method to fabricate cell‐laden hydrogel microparticles of tunable sizes using thermal inkjet bioprinting." Droplet 3.4 (2024): e144.

  2. Chua, Chee Kai, et al. "A perspective on transformative bioprinting." International Journal of Bioprinting (2024): 3525.

  3. Huang, Xi, et al. "Machine learning-driven prediction of gel fraction in conductive gelatin methacryloyl hydrogels." International Journal of AI for Materials and Design 1.2 (2024): 61-75.

  4. Huang, Xi, Wei Long Ng, and Wai Yee Yeong. "Predicting the number of printed cells during inkjet-based bioprinting process based on droplet velocity profile using machine learning approaches." Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 35.5 (2024): 2349-2364.

  5. Ng, W. L., Goh, G. L., Goh, G. D., Sheuan, J. T. J., & Yeong, W. Y. (2024). Progress and Opportunities for Machine Learning in Materials and Processes of Additive Manufacturing. Advanced Materials, 2310006. (Highly Cited Paper)

  6. Goh, G. L., Lee, S., Cheng, S. H., Goh, D. J. S., Laya, P., Han, B. S., & Yeong, W. Y. (2024). Enhancing interlaminar adhesion in multi-material 3D printing: A study of conductive PLA and TPU interfaces through fused filament fabrication. Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing, 3(1), 2672. 

  7. Goh, G. L., Huang, X., Toh, W., Li, Z., Lee, S., Yeong, W. Y., ... & Ng, T. Y. (2024). Joint angle prediction for a cable-driven gripper with variable joint stiffness through numerical modeling and machine learning. International Journal of AI for Materials and Design, 1(1), 2328.

  8. Lee, J. M., Tan, M. J., Ma, W. C., & Yeong, W. Y. (2024). Decision matrix for integrating 3D printing technologies for biomanufacturing of alternative testing model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-13. 

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2023

  1. Goh, G. D., Lee, J. M., Goh, G. L., Huang, X., Lee, S., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Machine learning for bioelectronics on wearable and implantable devices: challenges and potential. Tissue Engineering Part A, 29(1-2), 20-46.

  2. Ramanathan, V., Ariffin, M. Z., Goh, G. D., Goh, G. L., Rikat, M. A., Tan, X. X., ...  Yeong, W.Y....& Campolo, D. (2023). The Design and Development of Instrumented Toys for the Assessment of Infant Cognitive Flexibility. Sensors, 23(5), 2709.

  3. Goh, G. D., Huang, X., Huang, S., Thong, J. L. J., Seah, J. J., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Data imputation strategies for process optimization of laser powder bed fusion of Ti6Al4V using machine learning. Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing, 2(1), 50.

  4. Ma, W. C., Goh, G. L., Priyadarshini, B. M., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). 3D printing and 3D-printed electronics: Applications and future trends in smart drug delivery devices. International Journal of Bioprinting, 9(4).

  5. Lee, J. M., Huang, X., Goh, G. L., Tran, T., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Understanding droplet jetting on varying substrate for biological applications. International Journal of Bioprinting, 0.

  6. Huang, X., Ng, W. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Predicting the number of printed cells during inkjet-based bioprinting process based on droplet velocity profile using machine learning approaches. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 

  7. Goh, G. L., ..., Yeong, W. Y., ..., (2023). A 3D Printing-Enabled Artificially Innervated Smart Soft Gripper with Variable Joint Stiffness. Advanced Materials Technologies.

  8. Ng, W. L., Huang, X., Shkolnikov, V., Suntornnond, R., & Yeong, W. Y. (2023). Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based bioink: influence of bioink properties on printing performance and cell proliferation during inkjet-based bioprinting. Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 1-15.

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2022

  1. Rao, J., Sing, S. L., Lim, J. C. W., Yeong, W. Y., Yang, J., Fan, Z., & Hazell, P. (2022). Detection and characterisation of defects in directed energy deposited multi-material components using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 1-11. (impact factor: 10.962, Q1, rank 3/51, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  2. Sinha, A. K., Goh, G. L., Yeong, W. Y., & Cai, Y. (2022). Ultra‐Low‐Cost, Crosstalk‐Free, Fast‐Responding, Wide‐Sensing‐Range Tactile Fingertip Sensor for Smart Gloves. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(21), 2200621. (impact factor: 6.389, Q1, rank 48/179, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

  3. Goh, G. L., Zhang, H., Goh, G. D., Yeong, W. Y., & Chong, T. H. (2022). Multi-objective optimization of intense pulsed light sintering process for aerosol jet printed thin film. Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing, 1(2).

  4. Goh, G. D., Goh, G. L., Lyu, Z., Ariffin, M. Z., Yeong, W. Y., Lum, G. Z., ... & Wong, H. Y. A. (2022). 3D Printing of Robotic Soft Grippers: Toward Smart Actuation and Sensing. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2101672. (impact factor: 8.856, Q1, rank 62/345, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  5. Liu, Y., Sing, S. L., Lim, R. X. E., Yeong, W. Y., & Goh, B. T. (2022). Preliminary Investigation on the Geometric Accuracy of 3D Printed Dental Implant Using a Monkey Maxilla Incisor Model. International Journal of Bioprinting, 8(1).

  6. Guo Liang Goh, Vishwesh Dikshit, Rahul Koneru, Zhen Kai Peh, Weiyao Lu, Guo Dong Goh, Wai Yee Yeong,Fabrication of Design Optimized Multifunctional Safety Cage with Conformal Circuits for Drone Using Hybrid 3D Printing Technology,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology。  (Impact Factor: 3.226, Q2, rank 24/50, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  7. Koh, H. K., Moo, J. G. S., Sing, S. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2022). Use of fumed silica nanostructured additives in selective laser melting and fabrication of steel matrix nanocomposites. Materials, 15(5), 1869. (Impact Factor: 3.748, Q3, rank 177/345, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  8. Khobzi, A., Mehr, F. F., Cockcroft, S., Maijer, D., Sing, S. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2022). The Role of Block-Type Support Structure Design on the Thermal Field and Deformation in Components Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Additive Manufacturing,  102644. (Impact Factor: 10.998, Q1, rank 1/50, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  9. Guo Dong Goh, Nur Muizzu bin Hamzah, Wai Yee Yeong, Anomaly Detection in Fused Filament Fabrication Using Machine Learning, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing,  (impact factor: 5.449, Q2, rank 14/50, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  10. Suntornnond, R., Ng, W. L., Huang, X., Yeow, E. C. H., & Yeong, W. Y. (2022). Improving printability of hydrogel-based bio-inks for thermal inkjet bioprinting applications via saponification and heat treatment process. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. (Impact Factor: 7.571, Q1, rank 10/44, Materials Science, Biomaterials)

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2021

  1. Sheng Huang, Punit Kumar, Wai Yee Yeong, R. Lakhsmi Narayan, Upadrasta Ramamurty, (2021). Fracture behavior of laser powder bed fusion fabricated Ti41Nb via in-situ alloying, Acta Materialia,  (Impact Factor: 7.656, Q1, rank 1/79, Metallurgy & metallurgical engineering)

  2. Ng, W. L., Huang, X., Shkolnikov, V., Goh, G. L., Suntornnond, R., & Yeong, W. Y. (2021). Controlling Droplet Impact Velocity and Droplet Volume: Key Factors to Achieving High Cell Viability in Sub-Nanoliter Droplet-based Bioprinting. International Journal of Bioprinting, 8(1). 

  3. Y.S. Zhang, G. Haghiashtiani, T. Hübscher, D.J. Kelly, J.M. Lee, M. Lutolf, M.C. McAlpine, W.Y. Yeong, M. Zenobi-Wong, J. Malda, “3D extrusion bioprinting”, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1(1) (2021) 75. 

  4. Guo Dong Goh,  Swee Leong Sing, Yuan Fang Lim, Jia Li Janessa Thong, Zhen Kai Peh, Sreenivasulu Reddy Mogali, Wai Yee Yeong, Machine Learning for 3D Printed Multi-Materials Tissue-Mimicking Anatomical Models, Materials & Design,  (impact factor: 7.991, Q1, rank 58/333, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  5. Mogali, S.R., Chandrasekaran, R., Radzi, S., Kai, P.Z., Tan, G.J.S., Rajalingam, P. and Yee, Y.W. (2021), Investigating the effectiveness of three-dimensional printed anatomical models compared to plastinated human specimens in learning cardiac and neck anatomy: A randomized cross-over study. Anatomical Sciences Education. Accepted Author Manuscript. (impact factor: 5.958, Q1, rank 3/44, Education, scientific discipline)

  6. G. D. Goh, Song Jiang Casper Neo, Vishwesh Dikshit, Wai Yee Yeong, Quasi-Static Indentation and Sound-Absorbing Properties of 3D Printed Sandwich Core Panels, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. factor: 5.497, Q1, rank 2/37, Materials Science, Characterization and testing)

  7. Goh, G. L., Tay, M. F., Lee, J. M., Ho, J. S., Sim, L. N., Yeong, W. Y., Chong, T. H., Potential of Printed Electrodes for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): Toward Membrane Fouling Detection. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 2100043. (impact factor: 7.295, Q1, rank 27/160, Physics, Applied)

  8. Goh, G. L., Zhang, H., Chong, T. H., Yeong, W. Y., 3D Printing of Multilayered and Multimaterial Electronics: A Review. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 2100445. (impact factor: 7.295, Q1, rank 27/160, Physics, Applied)
  9. Soetedjo, Andreas Alvin Purnomo, Jia Min Lee, Hwee Hui Lau, Guo Liang Goh, Jia An, Yexin Koh, Wai Yee Yeong, and Adrian Kee Keong Teo. "Tissue engineering and 3D printing of bioartificial pancreas for regenerative medicine in diabetes." Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism (2021). (Impact Factor: 12.015, Q1, rank 8/145, ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM)
  10. G. D. Goh, W. Toh, Y. L. Yap, T. Y. Ng, Y. W Yeong, Additively Manufactured Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic for Topology Optimized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Structures. Composite Part b: Engineering, (Impact Factor: 7.635, Q1, rank 1/26, Materials Science, Composites)

  11. Sing, S. L., Huang, S., Goh, G. D., Goh, G. L., Tey, C. F., Tan, J. H. K., & Yeong, W. Y. (2021). Emerging Metallic Systems for Additive Manufacturing: In-situ Alloying and Multi-metal Processing in Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Progress in Materials Science, 100795. (Impact Factor: 31.56, Q1, rank 4/314, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) DOI: 

  12. Ng WL, Ayi TC, Liu YC, et al., 2021, Fabrication and characterization of 3D bioprinted triple-layered human alveolar lung models. Int J Bioprint. DOI:

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2020

  1. Tan, E. Y., Suntornnond, R., & Yeong, W. Y. (2020). High-Resolution Novel Indirect Bioprinting of Low-Viscosity Cell-Laden Hydrogels via Model-Support Bioink Interaction. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. (Impact Factor: 3.259, Q2, rank 16/49, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  2. Sheng Huang, R. Lakshmi Narayan, Joel Heang Kuan Tan, Swee Leong Sing, Wai Yee Yeong (2020),Resolving the porosity-unmelted inclusion dilemma during in-situ alloying of Ti34Nb via Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Acta Materialia, 116522. (Impact Factor: 7.656, Q1, rank 1/79, Metallurgy & metallurgical engineering)

  3. J. M. Lee & W. Y. Yeong (2020), Bioprinting of Collagen: Considerations, Potentials and Applications, Macromolecular Bioscience (Impact Factor: 3.416, Q1, Rank: 17/89 Polymer science) DOI:

  4. G. D, Goh, V. Dikshit, J. An, W. Y. Yeong (2020), Process-structure-property of Additively Manufactured Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic: An Investigation of Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness, (Impact Factor: 3.517, Q1, rank 4/33, Materials Science, Characterization and testing)

  5. J. M. Lee & W. Y. Yeong (2020), Engineering macroscale cell alignment through coordinated toolpath design using support-assisted 3D bioprinting, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17(168), 20200294 (Impact Factor: 3.748, Q2, Rank: 19/71 Multidisciplinary sciences, sciences) DOI:

  6. G. D, Goh, S. L. Sing, W. Y. Yeong (2020), A review on Machine Learning in 3D printing: Applications, Potential, and Challenges, Artificial Intelligence Review, (Impact Factor: 5.747, Q1, Rank: 16/136 Computer sciences, Artificial Intelligence) DOI: 

  7. Yeong, W. Y., & Goh, G. D. (2020). 3D Printing of Carbon Fiber Composite: The Future of Composite Industry?. Matter, 2(6), 1361-1363. DOI:​

  8. S. L. Sing & W. Y. Yeong (2020), Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Metal Additive Manufacturing: Perspectives on Recent Developments, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 15(3), 359 – 370 (Impact Factor: 7.310, Q1, Rank: 2/49 Engineering, Manufacturing) DOI:

  9. Y. L. Yap, S. L. Sing & W. Y. Yeong (2020), A review of 3D printing processes and materials for soft robotics, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Accepted (Impact Factor: 3.099, Q1, Rank 31/130 Engineering, Mechanical) DOI:​

  10. Shairah Radzi, Heang Kuan Joel Tan, Gerald Jit Shen Tan, Wai Yee Yeong, Michael Alan Ferenczi, Naomi Low-Beer, and Sreenivasulu Reddy Mogali (2020), Development of a three-dimensional printed heart from computed tomography images of a plastinated specimen for learning anatomy, Anatomy & Cell Biology, 53(1). Published. DOI: 10.5115/acb.19.153

  11. G. E. Luis Adiwati, H. M. Pan, S. L. Sing, R. Bajpai, J. Song, W. Y. Yeong (2020), 3D direct printing of silicone meniscus implant using a novel heat-cured extrusion-based printer, Polymers, 12(5). Accepted. DOI: (Impact Factor: 3.164, Q1, Rank: 17/87 Polymer Science). 

  12. Huang S., Sing, S.L., Geoffrey deLooze, Robert Wilson, & Yeong, W. Y. (2020). Laser powder bed fusion of titanium-tantalum alloys: Compositions and designs for biomedical applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 103775, doi: (Impact Factor: 3.485, Q1, rank 18/80, Engineering, Bio Engineering)

  13. Lee, J., Sing, S., & Yeong, W. Y. (2020). Bioprinting of Multimaterials with Computer-aided Design/Computer -aided Manufacturing. International Journal of Bioprinting, 6(1). doi:

  14. Ng, Wei Long; Lee, Jia Min; Zhou, Miaomiao; Chen, Yi-Wen; Lee, Kai-Xing Alvin; Yeong, Wai yee; Shen, Yu-Fang, (2020)"Vat polymerization-based bioprinting – process, materials, applications and regulatory challenges", Biofabrication, 12(2), 022001, DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab6034. (Impact Factor: 7.236, Q1, rank 6/80, Engineering, Bio Engineering)

  15. J. H. K.Tan, S. L. Sing, W. Y. Yeong (2020), Microstructure modelling for metallic additive manufacturing: a review, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 15(1), 87-105, DOI: 10.1080/17452759.2019.1677345  (Impact Factor: 6.825, Q1 rank, 2/49, Material, Manufacturing)

Journal papers (just accepted/published online/published) in 2019

  1. Luis, E., Pan, H. M., Sing, S. L., Bastola, A. K., Goh, G. D., Goh, G. L., ... & Yeong, W. Y. (2019). Silicone 3D Printing: Process Optimization, Product Biocompatibility, and Reliability of Silicone Meniscus Implants. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 6(6), 319-332.   (Impact Factor: 3.259, Q2, rank 16/49, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  2. Cher Fu Tey, Xipeng Tan, Swee Leong Sing, Wai Yee Yeong (2019), Additive manufacturing of multiple materials by selective laser melting: Ti-alloy to stainless steel via a Cu-alloy interlayer, Additive Manufacturing,100970. (Impact Factor: 7.173, Q1, rank 1/49, Engineering, Manufacturing)

  3. G. L. Goh, S. Agarwala, W. Y. Yeong (2019), Aerosol-jet Printed Preferentially Aligned Carbon Nanotube Twin-line for Printed Electronics, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Impact Factor: 8.456, Q1, rank: 27/293, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY - SCIE)

  4. Swee Leong Sing, Sheng Huang, Wai Yee Yeong (2020), Effect of solution heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusion produced cobalt-28chromium-6molybdenum, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 769, 138511, (Impact Factor: 4.081, Q1, rank 7/76, Metallurgy & metallurgical engineering)

  5. B. H. K. Ho, C. J. Chen, G. J. S. Tan, W. Y. Yeong, J. H. K.Tan, A. Y. H. Lim, M. A. Ferenczi & S. R. Mogali (2019), Multi-material three dimensional printed models for simulation of bronchoscopy, BioMed Central Medical Education, Available Online. DOI : 10.1186/s12909-019-1677-9 MEED-D-19-00212R2 (IF: 1.870, Q2, rank 18/41, EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES - SCIE)

  6. W. L. Ng & W. Y. Yeong (2019), The future of skin toxicology testing – 3D bioprinting meets microfluidics, International Journal of Bioprinting 5(2.1), 237

  7. G. L. Goh, N. Saengchairat, S. Agarwala, W. Y. Yeong & T. Tran (2019), Sessile droplets containing carbon nanotubes: a study of evaporation dynamic and CNTs alignment for printed electronics, Nanoscale 11(22), 10603-10614  DOI: 10.1039/c9nr03261d. (impact factor 7.233, Q1, Rank 15/146 in Physics, Applied)

  8. M. H. Kathawala, W. L. Ng, D. Liu, M. W. Naing, W. Y. Yeong, K. L. Spiller, M. Van Dyke & K. W. Ng (2019), Healing of chronic wounds – An update of recent developments and future possibilities, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews (Available Online) Impact Factor: 6.512, Q1, rank 2/26 in Cell & Tissue Engineering)

  9. V. Dikshit, A.P. Nagalingam, G. D. Goh, S. Agarwala, W. Y. Yeong & J. Wei (2019), Quasi-static indentation analysis on three-dimensional (3D) printed continuous-fiber sandwich composites, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials (Available Online) 1099636219836058. (impact factor: 2.776, Q1, rank 5/33, Materials Science, Characterization and testing)

  10. J. M. Lee, W. L. Ng & W. Y. Yeong (2019), Resolution and shape in bioprinting: strategizing towards complex tissue and organ printing, Applied Physics Reviews 6(1), 011307. (impact factor: 12.894, Q1, rank 8/146 in Physics, Applied)

  11. G. D. Goh, Y. L. Yap, H. K. J. Tan, S. L. Sing, G. L. Goh, W. Y. Yeong, (2019) Process-structure-properties in Polymer Additive Manufacturing via Material Extrusion: A review. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 1-21. (impact factor: 5.656, Q1, rank 43/285, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) (DOI:

  12. G. D. Goh, Y. L. Yap, S. Agarwala & W. Y. Yeong (2019), Recent progress in additive manufacturing of fiber reinforced polymer composite, Advanced Materials Technologies 4, 1800271. (impact factor 4.622, Q1, rank: 52/285, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering) (DOI:

Journal papers in 2018


  1. J. M. Lee, S. L. Sing, M. M. Zhou & W. Y. Yeong (2018), 3D bioprinting processes: A perspective on classification and terminology, International Journal of Bioprinting 4(2), 151

  2. S. Agarwala, J. M. Lee, W. Y. Yeong, M. Layani & S. Magdassi (2018), 3D printed bioelectronic platform with embedded electronics. MRS Advances 3(50), 3011-3017 .

  3. G. L. Goh, S. Agarwala & W. Y. Yeong (2018), Directed and on-demand alignment of carbon nanotube:  A review towards 3D printing of electronics. Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1801318 (impact factor: 4.834, Q1, rank 49/285, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  4. S. Agarwala, G. L. Goh, T. S. D. Le, J. An, Z. K. Peh, W. Y. Yeong & Y. J. Kim (2018), Wearable bandage-based strain sensor for home healthcare: Combining 3D aerosol jet printing and laser sintering, ACS Sensors 4(1), 218-222 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.8b01293. (impact factor: 5.711, Q1, rank 33/170 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

  5. S. Agarwala, G. L. Goh and W. Y. Yeong, "Aerosol Jet Printed Strain Sensor: Simulation Studies Analyzing the Effect of Dimension and Design on Performance (September 2018)," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 63080-63086, 2018. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2876647. (impact factor: 3.557, Q1, rank 24/148 in Computer Science, Information Systems)

  6. S. L. Sing, F. E. Wiria & W. Y. Yeong (2018), Selective laser melting of titanium alloy with 50 wt% tantalum: Effect of laser process parameters on part quality, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 77, 120-127. factor 2.606, Q1, rank: 11/75, Materials Science, Interdisciplinary)

  7. P. Shi, E. Y. S. Tan, W. Y. Yeong, H. Y. Li & A. Laude (2018), A bilayer photoreceptor‐retinal tissue model with gradient cell density design: A study of microvalve‐based bioprinting, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 12(5), 1297-1306. factor 3.989, Q1, rank: 29/160 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)   

  8. E. Y. S. Tan, P. Shi, C. J. Choo, A. Laude & W. Y. Yeong (2018), Tissue engineering of retina and Bruch’s membrane: A review of cells, materials and processes, British Journal of Ophthalmology 102(9), 1182-1187. (Impact factor 3.806, Q1, rank: 6/59 in Ophthalmology)  

  9. W. L. Ng, M. H. Goh, W. Y. Yeong & M. W. Naing (2018), Applying macromolecular crowding to 3D bioprinting: Fabrication of 3D hierarchical porous collagen-based hydrogel constructs, Biomaterials Science 6(3), 562-574. DOI: 10.1039/C7BM01015J (Impact Factor: 4.210, Q1, rank 8/33 in Materials Science, Biomaterials)

  10. W. L. Ng, Y. J. Tan, W. Y. Yeong & M. W. Naing (2018), Proof-of-concept: 3D bioprinting of pigmented human skin constructs, Biofabrication 10(2), 025005. doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/aa9e1e.(Impact factor: 5.24, Q1, rank: 5/77 in Engineering, Biomedical)

  11. S. L. Sing, F. E. Wiria & W. Y. Yeong (2018), Selective laser melting of lattice structures: A statistical approach to manufacturability and mechanical behavior, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 49, 170-180 (Impact factor: 2.846, Q1, rank: 24/105 in Computer science). Highly cited paper in web of Science.

  12. V. Dikshit, A. P. Nagalingam, Y. L. Yap, S. L. Sing, W. Y. Yeong & J Wei (2018), Crack monitoring and failure investigation on inkjet printed sandwich structures under quasi-static indentation test, Materials & Design 137, 140-151 (Impact factor: 4.364, Q1, rank: 46/ 275 in Materials Science, Interdisciplinary)

  13. G. L. Goh, S. Agarwala, Y. J. Tan & W. Y. Yeong (2018), A low cost and flexible carbon nanotube pH sensor fabricated using aerosol jet technology for live cell applications, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 260, 227-235 (Impact factor: 5.401, Q1, Rank: 6/76 in Chemistry, Analytical)

  14. S. R. Mogali, W. Y. Yeong, J. H. K. Tan, G. J. S. Tan, P. H. Abrahams, N. Zary, N. Low-Beer & M. A. Ferenczi (2018), Evaluation by medical students of the educational value of multi-material and multi-coloured three dimensional (3D) printed model of the upper limb for anatomical education, Anatomical Sciences Education 11(1), 54-64 (Impact Factor: 3.198,Q1,Rank: 4/41, Education, Scientific Disciplines) 

  15. S. Agarwala, J. M. Lee, W. L. Ng, M. Layani, W. Y. Yeong & S. Magdassi (2018), A novel 3D bioprinted flexible and biocompatible hydrogel bioelectronic platform, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 102, 365-371. -(Impact factor: 7.78, Q1, rank: 6/73 in Biophysics)



Journal papers in 2017


  1. G.D. Goh, V. Dikshit, A.P. Nagalingam, G.L. Goh, S. Agarwala, S.L. Sing, J. Wei, W.Y. Yeong, Characterization of mechanical properties and fracture mode of additively manufactured carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics, (2017) Materials and Design, vol. 137: 79-89. - (Impact factor: 4.364, Q1, rank: 46/ 275 in Materials Science, Interdisciplinary)

  2. Vishwesh Dikshit, Arun Prasanth Nagalingam, Yee Ling Yap, Swee Leong Sing, Wai Yee Yeong *, Jun Wei (2017) Investigation of quasi-static indentation response of inkjet printed sandwich structures under various indenter geometries, Materials 10(3), 290; doi:10.3390/ma10030290 - Free access link: (Impact factor: 2.654, Q2, rank: 82/ 275 in Materials Science, Interdisciplinary)

  3. Guo Liang Goh, Shweta Agarwala, Guo Dong Goh*, Heang Kuan Joel Tan, L Zhao, TK Chuah, Wai Yee Yeong, Additively manufactured multi-material free-form structure with printed electronics, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol 94, Issue 1-4, pp. 1309-1316 (Impact factor: 2.209, Q2, Rank: 7/81 in Chemistry, Analytical)

  4. SHI, Pujiang, Tan Yong Sheng Edgar, Wai Yee Yeong* , Augustinus Laude, 2017, Hybrid three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting of retina equivalent for ocular research. International Journal of Bioprinting, vol.3(2): 138–146. - Free access link

  5. Shweta Agarwala, Guo Liang Goh, Yee Ling Yap, Guo Dong Goh, Hao Yu, Wai Yee Yeong*, Tuan Tran1, (2017)  Development of Bendable Strain Sensor with Embedded Mirochannels using 3D Printing. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 263, pp. 593-599. (Impact factor: 2.739, Q2, Rank: 19/61 in Instruments & Instrumentation)

  6.  Edgar Tan,  Shweta Agarwala,  Yee Ling Yap,  Colin Siang Hui Tan,  Wai Yee Yeong  and  Laude Augustinus (2017) Novel method for fabrication Ultrathin, Free-Standing and Porous Polymer Membranes for Retinal Tissue Engineering,  Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017; DOI: 10.1039/C7TB00376E. (Impact factor: 4.543, Q1, rank: 6/ 33 in Materials Science, Biomaterials)

  7.  YL Yap, C Wang, SL Sing, V Dikshit, WY Yeong, J Wei  (2017) Material jetting additive manufacturing: An experimental study using designed metrological benchmarks, Precision Engineering, 50, pp. 275-285. (Impact factor: 2.25, Q2, Rank: 22/85 in Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

  8.  Sreenivasulu Reddy Mogali, Wai Yee Yeong, Heang Kuan Joel Tan, Gerald Jit Shen Tan, Peter H Abrahams, Nabil Zary, Naomi Low‐Beer, Michael Alan Ferenczi (2017) Evaluation by medical students of the educational value of multi-material and multi-colored three dimensional (3D) printed model of the upper limb for anatomical education", Anatomical Sciences Education; DOI: 10.1002/ase.1703 (Impact factor: 3.198, Q1, Rank: 4/41 in Education, Scientific disciplines)

  9.  Xipeng Tan, Yu Jun Tan, Clarice Shi Lin Chow, Shu Beng Tor, Wai Yee Yeong (2017) Metallic powder-bed based 3D printing of cellular scaffolds for orthopaedic implants: A state-of-the-art review on manufacturing, topological design, mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Materials Science & Engineering C. Volume 76, Pages 1328–1343. (Impact factor: 4.164, Q2, Rank: 9/33 in Materials Science, Biomaterials)    

  10.  Swee Leong Sing, Wai Yee Yeong, Florencia Edith Wiria, Bee Yen Tay, Ziqiang Zhao, Lin Zhao, Zhiling Tian, Shoufeng Yang, (2017) Direct Selective Laser Sintering and Melting of Ceramics: A review, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23 Issue: 3, doi: 10.1108/RPJ-11-2015-0178. (Impact factor: 2.400, Q1, Rank: 30/130 in Engineering, Mechanical)    Highly cited paper in web of Science. 

  11.  Yap, Yee Ling* Tan, Yong Sheng Edgar*; Tan, Heang Kuan Joel*; Peh, Zhen Kai; Low, Xue Yi; Yeong, Wai Yee; Tan, Colin Siang Hui; Augustinus, Laude. (2017). 3D Printed Bio-models for Medical Applications. Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23 Issue: 2, pp.227-235, doi: 10.1108/RPJ-08-2015-0102 (Impact factor: 2.400, Q1, Rank: 30/130 in Engineering, Mechanical) 

  12. Wei Long Ng*, Jia Min Lee*, Wai Yee Yeong, May Win Naing (2017) Microvalve-based bioprinting - process, bio-inks and applications. Biomaterials Science 5(4), 632-647. - Free access link: (Impact factor: 4.210, Q2, Rank: 8/33 in Materials Science, Biomaterials)    

  13. Wei Long Ng*, Wai Yee Yeong, May Win Naing (2017) Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Based Bio-ink Improves Cell Viability and Homogeneity during Drop-On-Demand Printing. Materials 10(2), 190; DOI: 10.3390/ma10020190 (Impact factor: 2.654, Q2, rank: 82/ 275 in Materials Science, Interdisciplinary)

  14.  GD Goh, S Agarwala, GL Goh, V Dikshit, SL Sing, WY Yeong (2017) Additive manufacturing in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): Challenges and potential, Aerospace Science and Technology 63,140-151. (Impact factor: 2.057, Q1, Rank: 3/31 in Engineering, Aerospace)Highly cited paper in web of Science. 



Papers published in 2016


  1. Ho, C. M. B., Mishra, A., Lin, P. T. P., Ng, S. H., Yeong, W. Y., Kim, Y.-J. and Yoon, Y.-J. (2016), 3D Printed Polycaprolactone Carbon Nanotube Composite Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Engineering.   Macromolecules Bioscience doi:10.1002/mabi.201600250  (Impact factor  3.68, Q1, rank 11/85 in POLYMER SCIENCE)

  2. Pujiang Shi, Augustinus Laude and Wai Yee Yeong (2016) Investigation of Cell Viability and Morphology in 3D Bio-printed Alginate Constructs with Tunable Stiffness, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35971  (Impact factor  3.263, Q1, rank 13/76 in Engineering, biomedical)

  3. GL Goh, J Ma, KLF Chua, S Agarwala, WY Yeong, YP Zhang (2016) Inkjet-printed patch antenna emitter for wireless communication application, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 11 (4), 289-294 ( ESCI journal)

  4. Yu Jun Tan*, Xipeng Tan, Wai Yee Yeong, and Shu Beng Tor (2016) Hybrid microscaffold-based 3D bioprinting of multi-cellular constructs with high compressive strength: A new biofabrication strategy" Scientific Reports  6;39140, doi: 10.1038/srep39140. - Free access link:

  5. Yu Jun Tan*, Xipeng Tan, Wai Yee Yeong and Shu Beng Tor.(2016). Additive Manufacturing of Patient-Customizable Scaffolds for Tubular Tissues Using the Melt-Drawing Method. Materials, 9(11),893;doi:10.3390/ma9110893. - Free access link:

  6. Jia Min LEE*, Wai Yee Yeong (2016) Design and Printing Strategies in 3D Bioprinting of Cell-Hydrogels:  A Review.  Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5(22), 2856-2865. (Impact factor  5.76, Q1, rank 4/76 in Engineering, biomedical). - Free access link:

  7. Sun ZJ, Tan XP, Tor SB, Yeong WY. (2016). Selective laser melting of stainless steel 316L with low porosity and high build rates. Materials and Design, 104, 197-204 (Impact factor 3.997, Q1, rank 45/271 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  8. Wei Long Ng, Shuai Wang, Wai Yee Yeong, May Win Naing. (2016). Skin bioprinting: Impending reality or fantasy? Trends in Biotechnology, 34(9), 689-99     (Impact factor 12.065, Q1, rank: 4/162 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)   - Hot paper in Trends in Biotechnology in the academic field of Biology and Biochemistry.

  9. Sing, S. L.*, An, J., Yeong, W. Y. and Wiria, F. E. (2016). Laser and electron-beam powder-bed additive manufacturing of metallic implants: A review on processes, materials and designs. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 34(3), 369-385. (Impact factor 3.221, Q1, rank 9/72 in Orthopaedics) - Highly cited paper in web of Science. - Free access link:

  10. Sing, S. L.*, Yeong, W. Y. , Wiria, F. E and B.Y. Tay (2016) Characterization of Titanium Lattice Structures Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting Using an Adapted Compressive Test Method" Experimental Mechanics (5), 735-748  ( Impact factor 1.8531, Q1, rank: 6/33 in Materials Science, characterization and testing).

  11. SL Sing*, WY Yeong, FE Wiria. (2016). Selective laser melting of titanium alloy with 50 wt% tantalum: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 660, 461–470. (Impact factor 2.716, Q1, rank 48/260 in Materials science, Multidisciplinary, rank 4/74 in Metallurgy & metallurgical Engineering)  - Highly cited paper in Web of Science

  12. Jia Min LEE*, Meng ZHANG, Wai Yee Yeong. (2016). Characterization and evaluation of 3D printed microfluidic chip for cell processing. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20(1), 1-15. (Impact factor 2.764, Q1, rank: 7/56 in instruments and instrumentation, Q1, rank: 6/31 in physics, fluids & plasmas). - Highly cited paper in Web of Science

  13. YJ Tan, WY Yeong, X Tan, J An, KS Chian, KF Leong. (2016). Characterization, mechanical behavior and in vitro evaluation of a melt-drawn scaffold for esophageal tissue engineering. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 57, 246-259. (Impact factor 3.478, Q1, rank 11/76 in Engineering, Biomedical)

  14. Sing SL, Wang S, Agarwala S, et al., (2016), Fabrication of titanium based biphasic scaffold using selective laser melting and collagen immersion. International Journal of Bioprinting, vol.3(1): 65–71. - Free access link:

  15. Lee, Jia Min; Sing, Swee Leong; Tan, Edgar Yong Sheng; et al. (2016). Bioprinting in cardiovascular tissue engineering: a review. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2 (2), 27-36. - Free access link:

  16. Ng, W. L.; Yeong, W. Y.; Naing, M. W. (2016). Polyelectrolyte gelatin-chitosan hydrogel optimized for 3D bioprinting in skin tissue engineering. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2 (1), 53-62.
    Free access link:



Papers published in 2015


  1. Yu Jun Tan*, Kah Fai Leong, Jia An, Kerm Sin Chian, Xipeng Tan, Wai Yee Yeong. (2015) Fabrication and in vitro analysis of tubular scaffolds by melt-drawing for esophageal tissue engineering. Materials Letters, (159), 424-427. (Impact factor 2.489, Q1, rank: 59/259 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Q1, rank: 31/143 in Physics, Applied).

  2. R. Suntornnond*, J. An, W.Y. Yeong and C.K. Chua (2015). “Biodegradable polymeric films and membranes processing and forming for tissue engineering”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Published online, Impact factor 1.221, Q1, rank: 18/93 in Materials science, Multidisciplinary).

  3. Loh, L.E., Chua, C.K., Yeong, W.Y., Song, J., Mapar, M., Sing, S.L*, Liu, Z.H., Zhang, D.Q. (2015). “Numerical investigation and an effective modelling on the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process with aluminium alloy 6061”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 80, 288-300. (Impact factor 2.383, Q1, rank 11/130 in Engineering, Mechanical, rank 15/137 in Mechanics and rank 9/55 in Thermodynamics)-Highly cited paper in web of Science

  4. Y.L. Yap* & W.Y. Yeong (2014) “Additive manufacture of fashion and jewellery products: a mini review” Virtual and Physical Prototyping, pages 195-201 (ESCI journal, one of the Most Read Articles of the journal)

  5. Wai Yee Yeong, Chee Kai Chua (2013) A quality management framework for implementing additive manufacturing of medical devices. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 8(3), 193-199. (ESCI journal)

  6. Yeong, Wai Yee; Yu, Haiyang; Lim, Kee Pah; Ng, Ka Lai Gary; Boey, Yin Chiang Freddy; Subbu, Venkatraman S.; Tan, Lay Poh (2010). “Multi-scale topological guidance for cell alignment via direct laser writing on biodegradable polymer”, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. 16 (5), 1011–1021 (Impact factor 4.448, Q1, rank 21/162 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Cell Biology)

  7. Yeong, W. Y.; Sudarmadji, N.; Yu, H. Y.; Chua, C. K.; Leong, K. F.; Venkatraman, S. S.; Boey, Y. C. F.; Tan, L. P. (2010).  “Porous polycaprolactone scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering fabricated by selective laser sintering”,  Acta Biomaterialia, 6(6), 2028-2034 (Impact factor 6.025, Q1, rank 3/76 in Engineering, Biomedical, rank 2/33 in Material Science, Biomaterials)

  8. Yeong, Wai Yee; Lim, Kee Pah; Ng, Gary Ka Lai; Tan, Lay Poh; Boey, Freddy Yin Chiang; Venkatraman, Subbu S (2010). “Annealing of biodegradable polymer induced by femtosecond laser micromachining”, Advanced Engineering Materials. 12(4), B89-B9. (Impact factor: 1.185. Q2, rank 110/259 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

  9. Leong, K. F.; Chua, C. K.; Sudarmadji, N.; Yeong, W. Y. (2008) “Engineering functionally graded tissue engineering scaffolds” Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials, Vol 1(2), 140-152 (Impact factor: 3.417, Q1, rank 110/259 in Engineering, Biomedical; Materials Science, Biomaterials)

  10. Yeong, Wai-Yee; Chua, Chee-Kai; Leong, Kah-Fai; Chandrasekaran, Margam; Lee, Mun-Wai, “Comparison of Drying Methods in the Fabrication of Collagen Scaffold Via Indirect Rapid Prototyping”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials, Vol 82B, Issue 1, pp 260-266, Jul 2007. (Impact factor: 2.759. Q2, rank 22/76 in Engineering, Biomedical)

  11. Boland, Thomas; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr; Chickov, Boris N.; Doraiswamy, Anand; Narayan, Roger J.; Yeong, Wai Yee; Leong, Kah Fai; Chua, Chee Kai (2007), “Rapid Prototyping of Artificial Tissues and Medical Devices”, Advance Materials and Processes, 165 (4), 51-53 (Impact factor 0.389, Q4, rank: 243/259 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)  

  12. Yeong, Wai-Yee; Chua, Chee-Kai; Leong, Kah-Fai; Chandrasekaran, Margam; Lee, Mun-Wai (2006), “Indirect Fabrication of Collagen Scaffold Based on Inkjet Printing Technique”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 12(4), 229–237 (Impact factor 2.031, Q2, rank: 19/130 in Engineering, Mechanical)

  13. Yeong, WY; Chua, CK; Leong, KF; Chandrasekaran, M (2004), “Rapid Prototyping in Tissue Engineering: Challenges and Potential”, Trends in Biotechnology, 22(12), 643-652 (Impact factor 12, Q1, rank: 4/162 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

  14. Wang S, Lee J M and Yeong W Y, (2015), Smart hydrogels for 3D bioprinting. International Journal of Bioprinting, vol.1(1): 3–14. - Free access link: .

  15. Tan E Y S and Yeong W Y, (2015), Concentric bioprinting of alginate-based tubular constructs using multi-nozzle extrusion-based technique. International Journal of Bioprinting, vol.1(1): 49–56. Free access link:



Journal Papers published before 2015 


  1. Yeong, Wai Yee; Yu, Haiyang; Lim, Kee Pah; Ng, Ka Lai Gary; Boey, Yin Chiang Freddy; Subbu, Venkatraman S.; Tan, Lay Poh (2010). Multi-scale topological guidance for cell alignment via direct laser writing on biodegradable polymer, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. 16 (5), 1011–1021 (Impact factor 4.636, Q1, rank 20/160 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

  2. Yeong, W. Y.; Sudarmadji, N.; Yu, H. Y.; Chua, C. K.; Leong, K. F.; Venkatraman, S. S.; Boey, Y. C. F.; Tan, L. P. (2010). Porous polycaprolactone scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering fabricated by selective laser sintering, Acta Biomaterialia, 6(6), 2028-2034 (Impact factor 4.824, Q1, rank 3/70 in Engineering, Biomedical, rank 3/25 in Material Science, Biomaterials)

  3. Yeong, Wai Yee; Lim, Kee Pah; Ng, Gary Ka Lai; Tan, Lay Poh; Boey, Freddy Yin Chiang; Venkatraman, Subbu S (2010). Annealing of biodegradable polymer induced by femtosecond laser micromachining, Advanced Engineering Materials. 12(4), B89-B9. (Impact factor: 1.746 Q2, rank 73/225 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) 

  4. Leong, K. F.; Chua, C. K.; Sudarmadji, N.; Yeong, W. Y. (2008) Engineering functionally graded tissue engineering scaffolds, Journalof the Mechanical Behaviourof BiomedicalMaterials, Vol 1(2), 140-152 (Impact factor: 3.176, Q1, rank 8/59 in Engineering, Biomedical; Materials Science, Biomaterials) 

  5. Yeong, Wai-Yee; Chua, Chee-Kai; Leong, Kah-Fai; Chandrasekaran, Margam; Lee, Mun-Wai, (2007) Comparison of Drying Methods in the Fabrication of Collagen Scaffold Via Indirect Rapid Prototyping, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials, Vol 82B, Issue 1, pp 260-266 (Impact factor: 1.933. Q2, rank 13/44 in Engineering, Biomedical)

  6. Boland, Thomas; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr; Chickov, Boris N.; Doraiswamy, Anand; Narayan, Roger J.; Yeong, Wai Yee; Leong, Kah Fai; Chua, Chee Kai (2007), Rapid Prototyping of Artificial Tissues and Medical Devices, Advanced Materials and Processes, 165 (4), 51-53 (Impact factor 0.176, Q4, rank: 175/190 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)  

  7. Yeong, Wai-Yee; Chua, Chee-Kai; Leong, Kah-Fai; Chandrasekaran, Margam; Lee, Mun-Wai (2006), Indirect Fabrication of Collagen Scaffold Based on Inkjet Printing Technique, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 12(4), 229–237 (Impact factor 0.914, Q2, rank: 27/106 in Engineering, Mechanical)

  8. Yeong, WY; Chua, CK; Leong, KF; Chandrasekaran, M (2004), Rapid Prototyping in Tissue Engineering: Challenges and Potential, Trends in Biotechnology, 22(12),643-652 (Impact factor 8.606, Q1, rank: 4/133 in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

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